Today we went on a field trip with our homeschool group to the vet's office. The children had so much fun. We got to see a female dog having surgery. "cool, yuck and mom, I want to leave" we all of the responses to seeing that. We toured the dental area, got to see X-rays and hotel rooms for dogs. No really. Air conditioned and all. Oh I didn't mention the TV's in their private rooms with CABLE. Idon't even have cable. I digress. We went to lunch at some sweet woman's home who was brave enough to host a handful of moms and 55 children... not really but close. My children had fun and got plenty of fresh air and sunshine. They needed both of those things. What a blessing it is to be home and share these experiences with them. Enjoy the pix
Glad you enjoyed it, I wish we didn't have to miss it!
We did have 51 children there and 46 were there for lunch because one family had to leave after the field trip. Glad you had a good time.
My comment I just wrote disappeared so I'll write you again. Sorry.
It was great visiting with you today at Tiffany's. Glad you were able to come. We're going to try to get together more often. Hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!
Ladybug had a good time, thanks for taking her!
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