Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Whose kid am I?

For those who know me they know I struggle to be a godly woman. I mean a fast brain and a big mouth with no yield sign......recipe for disaster. I struggle with anxiety, loneliness, being quiet and still before God and anyone else for that matter. I also know that I have traits from my earthly parents that I love and....welll....wish I didn't have. But who do I belong to anyway? I am an expensive purchase bought by the blood of my precious heavenly Father. He loves me and tells me I have enough power through Him to do all things because He strengthens me. I am embarking on an online Bible study about being a woman He has called me to be. A Proverbs 31 woman. This works for me because I can do this at my leisure. I am already a week behind but not to worry. I hope to get out of this nothing but pure truth. The truth of who I am not based on what I feel like it that day but because He said I can be it. I have studied these scriptures before but I pray these words fall fresh on my needy soul and it will because God's word is the Living Word. It is Alive. The words in Proverbs are wonderful but scary. They give us a standard and yet once we know it the Word says we cannot walk away unchanged or we are FOOLS. I don't know about you but I have been foolish about too much for too long. Anyway,....I am looking for true wisdom. I don't know about you but I cannot think of a better place to find it.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Nice Blog...I'm calling you this week, you obviously don't get on the computer much! LOL!