Wow. Seems life goes on and blogging gets put on the back burner. I'll get you caught up on what has been going on.
Well, my precious Mother-in-law, Phyllis, passed away just before Easter. She was diagnosed with cancer and less than 2 weeks later she was gone. She didn't suffer long but it was true suffering for us left behind. (this does have something to do with chickens) We miss her. This is the first parent my husband or I have had to see pass away and sometimes I feel like she CAN'T be gone. But she is and life seems to go on... Here she is...This was the last picture of her and her 6 children taken just this past Christmas. My hubby is the cute, bald one. I love and miss her.
So this brings me to chickens. No, really. I have been wanting chickens for so long. I just thought about them and then looked at my four precious children, laundry, dishes, a dog, a parakeet and went ummmmm......... NO. But then enter my bestie. Let's just call her.... April.... She calls me one day while I'm shopping and says ( in her sweet voice) "hey, guess what? We just got......CHICKENS." Well I did what any bestie would do I told her I was happy for her and was, underneath that fake exterior, planning on getting mine. That day!!! So we venture to get chickens. I said we were only going to "look" at them. Which was partially true. Then while talking to the man selling the chickens he told me they were born on the day my Mother in law passed away. That was it. We left with six chicks.
Here are all 6 of my sweet chicks +2 of my sweet kiddos
Now for my Mother in law. I had to get a special chicken for her. So here is PJ (which is for Phyllis Joan my MIL) This chick is MINE (said in whiny kid tone)
She is an Easter Egger and will lay pink, blue and light green eggs. When she starts laying she will remind me of my MIL every time I collect an egg.
Now for my Mother in law. I had to get a special chicken for her. So here is PJ (which is for Phyllis Joan my MIL) This chick is MINE (said in whiny kid tone)
She is an Easter Egger and will lay pink, blue and light green eggs. When she starts laying she will remind me of my MIL every time I collect an egg.
Now my chicks are not little they are looking like grown up girls. So I'll be putting pictures up in small fragments of them growing and coop building and such. Here are some extra pictures of the children holding our sweet girls (as we call them)
My Anna Rose looking so happy with her "icken"
Gabbi tolerates the chicks but doesn't mind holding them while they are little
Grayson is our "chicken whisperer"
He LOVES the chickens. He never minds helping with them.
Gabe loves them too.
I just thought this one was too cute. Her head was poking through the feeder. Awwww